I’ve packed up and returned to NYC. My fictional town of Crystal Creek was not easy to leave, but it is time. The story of The Laughing Ladies is told and ready to be published. Since controlling is a word I am familiar with, I decided to self-publish. The process is turning out to be as energizing as writing the book. Except, I am not making this journey alone, Author House experts are guiding my way. I hope you will follow as I describe this new path I am traveling.
My first task was to provide a bio. I am asked to distill my entire life into no more than 150 words. I have been around a long time, where to begin? Writing about my characters is a lot easier than writing about myself. I finally decide on the part of my life relevant to the book.
The bio is almost as bad as the query letter! I'm in my mid 40's. How am I supposed to sum up my life in just a few sentences? I ended up reading the backs and inside flaps of hundreds of books before I came up with anything.